Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Nobody can resist a girl in a wedding dress...

... or a girl standing alone on the corner of State street, apparently. In the past two days of shooting in Madison, I have had the most random people come up to me and say the strangest things. Clearly a girl standing by herself on a street corner is a reason to approach her. She must need something, right? Like a solicitation for a bartending job... or an offer of a pint of beer... or perhaps dinner at Delmonico's, won'tcha say yes, blondie? Oh please?

Then put said girl in a wedding dress, and all hell breaks loose. I must have had at least thirty guys come up to me tonight checking to see if I was really getting married. What is that about? Am I more or less appealing if I appear to be taken?

I had more drink offers than I can count... and a couple of bitter "congratulations", that quickly turned into cheeky grins when I informed them the dress was simply for a photo shoot, and "no" I would not be getting married tonight.

Oh Madison... I love your random strangeness.

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